Department of Telecommunications - is an innovative scientific and educational unit of one of the most prestigious and largest technical universities in Europe - the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, which for several years has headed the UNESCO academic rating "TOP-200 Ukraine".
For more than 25 years the department has been headed by a Ukrainian scientist in the field of information transmission and processing - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, State Prize Laureate of the USSR, Ukrainian SSR and Ukraine in the field of science and technology Ilchenko Mikhail Efimovich.
The Department of Telecommunications prepares specialists for three levels of higher education:
- 1st level (Bachelor) - 3 years 10 months;
- 2nd level (Master) - 1 year 9 months, 1 year 4 months;
- Level 3 (Doctor of Philosophy) - 4 years.
Educational program
"Engineering and programming of infocommunications"
The training of specialists is carried out by the faculty members of the department, among them: 6 professors; 11 associate professors; 7 senior teachers. To provide a cycle of disciplines of natural science training, the teaching staff of other departments of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Training and laboratory base consists of premises for lecture, practical and laboratory classes, laboratory equipment, measuring and other equipment. In general, the TK Department has 8 laboratories staffed by the staff of the training and support staff.
The beginning of 2002 was marked by a significant event in the life of the department. In February 2002, the Institute of Telecommunication Systems (ITS) was created on January 17, 2002 by the order of the rector number 1-6 from which the telecommunication department operates. The head of the newly established institute became the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.Yu. Ilchenko.
The first issue of 1999 - 32 students: Abramov AO, Andriashevich OL, Arnaut B.V., Doroshenko B.V., Gulenko A.O., Ivanov V.M., Kalinichenko O.V., Kovtun SI, Kolomatsky AO, Krashtan OV, Kushko IO, Lavrent'ev AO, Larin A.O., Larina T.A., Lyubchenko G.M., Medovkin A Yu., Morozov T.V., Polyakov IL, Repik O., Semenov K.A., Skrypchenko SI, Sichov AV, Teremenko A.O., Trandash M.M. ., Torba Yu.M., Chalyuk VV, Chernikov VO, Khotinenko KO, Tsyuz O.V., Shirochkin VV, Yatsuk VG, Jmil Gavanekh

Since 1994, the Department has been training the scientific and pedagogical staff on the plan of postgraduate studies of NTUU "KPI". Training of specialists of higher qualification is also carried out on the line of obtaining a degree. Training of specialists of higher qualification is carried out in the following specialties:
- "Telecommunication systems and networks";
- "Antennas and devices of microwave technology";
- "Radiotechnical devices and means of telecommunication"
- "Radio engineering and television systems"
The Department of Telecommunications (then Department of Telecommunication Facilities) of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" was established in May 1993 on the order of the rector of the number 1-83 of May 11, 1993.
«In order to meet the needs of Ukraine in specialists of telecommunication devices, systems and networks, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the KPI from April 5 and according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 101 dated April 16, 1993, from May this year the Department of Telecommunication Facilities was established at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The main task of the department is to train specialists in the field of development and operation of hardware and software complexes of telecommunication devices and networks, space systems of navigation, communications and television. The department should begin with the 1993/94 school year training of specialists with a contingent of 25 people in the 1-year recruitment. The scientific and technical potential of the research institute of electronic equipment "TOR" will be used in the organization of educational and scientific work. Vv Head of the department of telecommunication facilities appointed D.N., prof. M.Yu. Ilchenko ...» Institutes news 1993
From the very beginning, the technical potential of the research institute of electronic equipment "TOR" (today it is the Research Institute of Telecommunications, which is the main structural subdivision of the research department of the KPI named after Igor Sikorsky) was actively used in the work of the newly established department. Such interaction allowed organically to include in the educational process scientific achievements and practical experience of specialists working on real projects, which, of course, increases the level of students' training.
The prominent Ukrainian scientist in the field of information transmission and processing - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, State Prize Laureate of the USSR, Ukrainian SSR and Ukraine - became the initiator of the creation and the scientific leader of the Department of Telecommunication Facilities (and subsequently the Institute of Telecommunication Systems). Mikhail Efimovich Ilchenko, branch of science and technology. Also professors of the department V.P. made a great contribution to the creation and development of the department. Vinnitsa, LP Shcherbina, O.M. Lebedev, A.O. Lipatov, SG Bunin et al Today, the leading scientists of the department of telecommunications - professors S.O. Kravchuk, OI Lysenko, T.M. Narytnik, OI Romanov, Ye.A. Yakornov, which successfully combine teaching activities with research work. The department is also proud of the new generation of scientific and pedagogical workers - young talented teachers who, besides teaching disciplines, fruitfully work on a number of interesting and perspective projects within the department and ITS. This is associate professor D.A. Mynochkin is the head of the modern laboratory of the basic network of the mobile operator, created with the support of Lifecell and Ericsson; chairman of the international office of ITS associate professor IV Trubarov; senior lecturer T.O. Pryshchepa, who for many years cares for the development of web resources of the Department of Telecommunications and ITC, and others. The department has created good conditions for professional development of young scientists, it is possible to study in postgraduate and doctoral studies, to obtain degrees and receive academic titles.